Wednesday, 23 October 2019


These delightful creatures spend the first few months of their lives completely underwater in shallow estuarine lagoons. In spring they climb partly submerged reeds and hang upside down clinging by their tails while their bodies undergo metamorphosis. They sprout brightly coloured wings which when dry, enable them to take to the air. They feed like butterflies, clinging to the plants stem and using their long narrow snouts to extract nectar. Towards the end of the year they mate and lay their eggs in water allowing the whole cycle to repeat itself. 

New & Blue

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Foxley's Highland Funklehorn

Foxley's Highland Funklehorn - last sighted in Pennsylvania!

Fauna Exhibition

I have a piece included in the new 'Fauna' exhibition at Arch Enemy Arts in Philadelphia.
Check it out at or, if you can visit in person it's on until June 1st.

Sunday, 13 January 2019

New Critter Stage 2

 I’m at the stage where the sculpting is completed and I have just laid in the base coats prior to layering in the colours.